Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

tugas riset akutansi b.inggris

June 9, 2010 | Posted by joernal
Ethics Komputerisasian Information System
Ethics is defined as moral philosophy associated with the study of actions good and bad people in achieving happiness. What is discussed in the ethics of human action, ie of good quality (which should be done) or bad (which should be avoided), or values of human action to achieve happiness and about the wisdom in acting (Bourke, 1966 in Pramumijoyo and Warmada, 2004 ).
Sunday, March 18th, 2007 at 12:13 pm, in the piercing site detikINET reported that re-occur. This time the victim is the official website of the presidential address at SBY site home page is changed contents with a demand letter demands that the perpetrators named People's version two (V.2 Tritura). Although the site broken, but the official website of the presidency which is located still look normal. Though both and, has the exact same content.
This example is one example of many cases of abuse in the cyber world as well as other examples of cases in the BCA website-duplicate with similar names some time ago. This shows that information technology requires an understanding of ethics in its use to prevent the crimes that brought losses.
Some parties are concerned about the ethics of information systems, especially related to the use of information technology has made various guidelines on the ethics of computer use, one thing that is made by guidelines on guidelines for users and nekinet entitled The Ten Commandments for Ethics computer, whose contents are:
• Do not use to harm others.
• Do not interfere with the work of other people's computers.
• Do not peek files to others.
• Do not use a computer to steal.
• Do not use a computer to testify falsely.
• Do not use or copy software that you have not paid.
• Do not use someone else's computer resources without authorization.
• Do not take the intellectual property of others for yourself.
• Think about the social effect of the program you write.
• Use a computer in a way that shows tolerance and appreciation.
Along with the current era of globalization, many businesses today rely heavily on Information Technology (IT). As expressed by Isnaeni Achdiat in detikINET (2007), in his opinion can not be denied that, currently, the degree of dependence of business and other business sectors, including government agencies on IT higher and higher. Utilization of IT on the one hand can increase the competitive advantage to an organization, but on the other hand also allows the emergence of risks that previously never existed.
In the accounting profession, auditing world also adjust to the needs of Information Technology (IT) in which the concept of paperless has replaced the old concept that needs to dikaukan audits of IT. According to Ron Weber, in one of his books: Information Systems Audit and Controls' (Prentice-Hall, 2000), there are several important reasons why the IT audit needs to be done, among others: Loss due to loss of data; Errors in decision making; risk of data leakage; Abuse Computers; Losses due to improper calculation process; high value of investments of hardware and computer software.
Theory of Moral Intensity Jones
Jones (1991) proposed a construct associated with moral issues, known as the Moral Intensity. Moral intensity is a construct that includes the characteristics of an extension of the issues associated with the moral imperative in a situation. Moral intensity is multidimensional, and component parts is a characteristic of the moral issues. The components of these characteristics, namely: (a) the amount of consequences (the magnitude of Consequences), defined as the amount of losses (or benefits) generated by the sacrifice (or kebermanfaatan) from a moral action, (2) social consensus (social consensus) is defined as the degree of social agreement that an act is considered evil or both, (3) probability of effect (probability of effect) is a joint function of the likelihood that a particular action will actually take place and that action will actually cause losses (benefits) a predictable, (4) temporal immediacy (temporal immediacy) is the distance or time between the beginning of the event and the consequences of a particular moral action (short growing period showed a greater readiness); (5) closeness (proximity) is a feeling nearness (social, cultural, psychological, or physical) owned by the bearer of moral (moral agents) to the perpetrator of the crime (benefit) of a particular action, (6) the effect of concentration (concentration of effect) is a function of the number of people infers which affects and is affected by an action taken.
Moral intensity did not include the character of the decision maker, such as moral development (Trevino, 1986); or knowledge and values (Ferrell & Gresham, 1985), also did not consider organizational factors, such as organizational culture (Trevino, 1986) as well as company policies (Ferrell & Gresham, 1985). Moral intensity of focus on moral issues, not on the carrier of moral (moral agents) as well as organizational context.
Perceived Ethics Issues
Individual norms embedded in the personal conceptions of individuals based on beliefs and values system. Understanding of social norms require adjustments in the values that guide behavior and determine the intrinsic behavior of pengaruhan if accepted or rejected (Malhotra & Galleta, 2005). Perceived problem of Ethics is a view of how an individual perceive and assess a situation whether belonging to the ethical problem or not (Goles et al., 2006).
Behavioral intentions
Behavioral intention is defined as an individual desires to do or not do the behavior (ie the desire to behave ethically or unethically) (Ajzen 1991, Ajzen and Fishbein 1980, Ajzen and Madden 1986; Bommer at al. 1987; Eining and Christensen 1991; Ferrell and Gresham 1985). While according to the Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) in Davis et al. (1989), behavioral intention is defined as a measure of the strength of a desire to perform a specific behavior.

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